At work I'm removing 12 year old 390 watt emperor aquatics pvc commercial uv sterilizer with Aquaneering 1000 watt stainless steel ultraviolet sterilizers. Stainless is sexy. The 390 used 6 x 65 watt bulbs and the 1k watt uses 5x 200 watt bulbs. The new unit has touch screen programming, uv intensity and temperature monitoring and alarms wired into the SCADA monitoring system. These were funded with stimulus funding. The entire project includes 4x 1k uvs an 8x 36 inch diameter pressurized sand filters for polishing.
Reviewing guanine mutants in goldfish. From goldfish varieties and
genetics: handbook for breeders by Joseph smart. @rare_goldfish has a nice
batch of oranda fry with interesting coloration. #goldfishbreeders
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4 years ago