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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Went to cherry pick at the whole sale

Went to cherry pick at the whole saler a week and a half ago.

The good thing about a slow economy is there are lots of nice fish to pick from. There was a particular batch of Ranchu that were as nice as I've seen from commercial Chinese sources. They were so nice I picked up all 31. They spawned a day or two after I got them home and their fry went out in a daphnia tub one week after I picked them up.

A couple nice black pearlscales

The bubble eyes were also extremely nice. Lots of vivid reds, whites and a few that I might even call yellow.
Panda Butterfly tail

The pearlscales


Tricolor butterfly tail (one small eye but a very nice fish)
Lionhead with a Heart. We'll call him Valentine