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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hatchery Tank Drains

These are subcomponents of the drain manifold for the hatchery tanks. Rigid PVC and flexible Fernco tees were alternated for ease of installation. Appropriate lengths of pipe will be glued into the PVC and attached to the ferncos. The ferncos add expense but save in the long run for ease of repair and reconfiguration.

The 2" couple is slid up to attach to the bottom of the tank. The fernco tee attaches the tank to the main drain line back to filter.

Same set up with a PVC tee that lengths of pipe were glued into to create the drain line.

4"x2" Fernco attached to the fiberglass nipple on the bottom of the tank, 2" pvc standpipe projecting through the bottom, with a 2" Fernco couple attaching to the elbow and Fernco Tee.

A look at the PVC version. The PVC and Fernco tees are alternated every other tank.