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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Old Aluminum Fishing Net Floats

Found these on Ebay, there are 45 of them. I'll likely replace the cheap floats on my seine net. Another thought is as a float for an adjustible (rotating) stand pipe. Attach it to the out let so when it's rotated down you can just pull the float to raise it. A really nice thing to have in February.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Nikon Eclipse E200: A New Toy, oh I mean new tool

I've been on a bit of a microscope hunt for the last year to upgrade from my old scope.  I went back and forth between purchasing a new nock off on ebay or finding a quality used one.  Well the later happened this week.  We have this same scope at work so I know it well and am glad to have found a good deal on ebay.

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's Amazing What People Will Throw In The Dump

Yesterday I took a load of old fish junk to the dump to make room for the next 4x 300 gallon pallet tanks.

While unloading I saw a 2 inch bulkhead in the pit.  Of course I want to save it as I hate to see good plumbing go bad but it was attached to a large black tub 10 feet below my feet and in a large pile of construction debris.  Then the giant bulldozer came along to push the garbage down to the end of the pit where they load it on to the trucks.

To my amazement the large black tub bounced up on top and was pushed along by the dozer.  It rolled to the side of the blade and ended up near the wall and very close to where I was.  I had to try to save it.

I couldn't get it by hand but there was a kitchen broom that was near by.  I could just hook the lip with the broom but it would slip off and almost roll in to the abyss. The bulldozer was on its way to push it away for ever and there is a not dumpster diving policy at the dump but the driver veered away leaving a another chance.  With a little adrenaline and luck I was able on the 3 try to get it.  

It turns out it is a perfectly good Aquascape standard bio falls.  It looks like someone cut the plumbing and the liner away and chucked it in the dump.  The crazy thing is they paid to throw away a $500 pond filter when they could have given it to Bring Recycling before they got to the dump...